Indian Parliament votes to repeal farm laws after Modi’s about turn

Indian Parliament votes to repeal farm laws after Modi’s about turn

Nov 29, 2021: A bill to cancel the three contentious farm laws passed by Modi led BJP government that had the farmers up in arms was passed in record time in both houses as parliament’s Winter Session started today.

The government plans to get it signed by the President by tonight, sources said.

India’s parliament has voted to repeal agrarian reform laws following a surprise turnout by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who started a year of massive farmers’ protests. Tens of thousands of farmers have been camping on the outskirts of the capital, New Delhi, for more than a year – one of the biggest challenges to Modi’s Hindu nationalist government since coming to power in 2014.

Rallies have become a beacon of discontent in a country where two-thirds of the 1.3 billion people depend on agriculture for their livelihood. In its first meeting of the winter session on Monday, both houses of parliament introduced a bill to repeal the laws amid opposition protests demanding a debate on the issue. The law will be signed by President Ram Nath Kovind by Monday night.

But farmers’ unions have declared to keep up the fight until they secure further concessions from the government.

Modi’s overthrow came ahead of crucial elections for his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in states like Uttar Pradesh and Punjab, both home to a large number of farmers. The BJP is already in power in Uttar Pradesh, but its support is under pressure from a struggling economy and the government’s response to the corona virus pandemic.

If the farmers desert the ruling party, it will not only reduce the chances of forming a state government for a second term, but also the chances of the party winning a landslide victory in the 2024 national elections.

Political analysts say the surprise move to repeal all three forms of law is a major factor in the run-up to the election, but it is too early to say whether they will work.

The government claimed that the legislation passed in September last year was aimed at deregulating agricultural markets. But the protesting farmers said that these laws would lead to corporate takeover of a large area of ​​agriculture, which is the largest source of livelihood in India and about 70% of rural households depend on it for their livelihood.

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