Indian Rocket Suffers Failure, Loses Earth-Observation Satellite

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Lahore, 12th August: An Indian rocket carrying a powerful Earth-observation satellite failed to launch today due to an abnormality in the cryogenic stage.

According to reports, the launch of India’s most expensive satellite has failed. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has confirmed that the launch of the GSLV Mk 2 failed on Thursday due to a ‘technical glitch’.

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The media report said that India has faced this failure since 2017. The satellite was launched from Satish Dhawan space station in Southern India today morning but could not be placed in orbit on time due to engine failure.

The mission control center had stopped receiving data and signals due to technical difficulties, after which ISRO chairman K Seon admitted his failure, saying India’s mission had not been successful.

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It is believed that this satellite was a sensation all over India, making loud claims, while Indian scientists were calling it the celestial eye.

It is to be noted that the launch of EOD 3 was also postponed three times due to technical reasons and Coronavirus, now after this major failure, ISRO will soon announce the date of the new launch.

This satellite was called Geo Imaging Satellite One. Through this, India had nefarious intentions to keep an eye on the borders of China and Pakistan, but it failed.

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In addition, with the help of this satellite, India was to be able to monitor real-time monitoring of changes in forest cover, floods, storms, crops and water resources.

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