Is popularity enough to govern?

Is popularity enough to govern?

Once again Pakistan is facing political turmoil. Though every legal point is being discussed in media- regarding the Supreme Court’s decision & coming scenario, the most basic & crucial point has been overlooked.

Being a popular leader is not enough to handle matters of the state. It requires statesmanship. The ability to carry not only the party members along but also other political parties & stakeholders to achieve economic goals.

Statesmanship is political leadership that combines power and prudence to realize the common good. (Coats, Statesmanship; Overeem, “Not Always at the Helm.”)

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Leadership is the achievement of goals through the guidance of human assistants. A person who effectively organizes their team to reach specific objectives is considered a leader. A truly great leader consistently accomplishes this over time and across diverse situations.

Focusing on wasting energy in confrontations at every level horizontally & vertically, makes for aa singularly bad leader. No matter how popular. We might need to distinguish between “good populism” and “bad populism.”

Indulgence by Mr Imran Khan in container politics, before he was ushered in as Prime Minister & during, he was the Prime Minister reflect poorly on his abilities as popular leader with statesmanship abilities.

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The grouse is with the name callings, refusal to work with others elected as a team. Moreover, Khan was unable to revive the economy over three and a half years and lost the support of the Army. In this situation, his only option to garner public sympathy was to stir up anti-US sentiments, which he did effectively.

This does not mean to say the current set up has performed wonders, the plight of the common man is pathetic in face of spiraling inflation.

These are once again, challenging times for Pakistan.

The writer is a lawyer, academic and political analyst. She has authored a book titled ‘A Comparative Analysis of Media & Media Laws in Pakistan.’ She can be contacted at: and tweets at @yasmeen_9

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  1. shokee ahmed 18 July, 2024 at 21:47 Reply

    No doubt a good analysis but poroblem with Pakistanis of any hue they are devoid of statesmanship how to do something better for their country rather they indulge in blame game, fighting
    with each other and fooling poor masses with fake promises and rhetoric. Hell to them as
    they brought Pakistan to the brink of default and collapse. Their is a dire need of hour to have
    a political leadeship with nationalisitc spirit rather achieving their neferious goals and ulterior motives.

  2. M.Farooq 19 July, 2024 at 13:23 Reply

    Good column on the challenging times👍
    Popularity turning into cultism breeds Hitler, Mussolini and their ilks bringing havoc to Germany and Italy etc. 🤔

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