Israel converts 15 mosques into synagogues whereas 40 demolished: Report

Occupied Jerusalem: It has been revealed that Israeli authorities have converted 15 mosques into synagogues.
The study also found that 40 mosques were either destroyed, closed or abandoned, while 17 others were converted into warehouses, bars, restaurants or museums.
For example, the Al-Ahrar Mosque in the northern city of Qasid was converted into a concert hall, while the Al-Jadeed Mosque in the city of Qaisaria was converted into a bar, according to research.
The Aynak Hood Mosque in Hafa and the upper floor of the Al-Saxik Mosque in Jaffa faced a similar situation.
“After the bombing, about 539 Palestinian villages were destroyed,” Speaker said. “All Palestinian structures, including mosques, have become easy prey for the Israeli authorities.”
The Speaker reminded that the mosques of the pre-Naqba era were meeting with the worshipers. “However, after the Naqba, mosques were destroyed, especially in the countryside. Other mosques were converted into either synagogues, bars, museums, cafes or restaurants.”
Speaker lamented that Israeli policy “ignores the sentiments of Muslims”, referring to the Elysef cemetery in Jaffa, where the tombs were destroyed despite protests from locals.
Speaker said Israeli authorities had enacted legislation to confiscate the property of Palestinians fleeing their homes.
“The naniset (Israeli parliament) passed a law on absenteeism, under which Israel confiscated the buildings and property of Arab citizens (who had left their homes to relocate),” he said. ”
“Israel has implemented the same policy in many mosques and places of worship.”
Speaker said the Palestinians had repeatedly tried to “re-attack, renovate and prevent attacks on mosques”.
“However, all these efforts were rejected by Israel,” he said.
Israel denies using mosques for purposes other than worship.
In October 2015, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said there were about 400 mosques in Israel and that the number of worshipers had doubled in the last 25 years.
The ministry said Israeli authorities allocate millions of shekels to build places of worship for Muslims living in Israel. He said the government funds more than 100 mosques and pays the salaries of their imams.
However, the spokesman denied the Israeli claim, saying “the Israeli government has never built a mosque in the country’s history.”
“All the mosques were built by our people, who raise money to build their places of worship,” he said.
Speaker continued that not all mosques are registered with Israeli religious authorities. “The imams of these mosques receive their salaries from the mosque committees, which collect donations to meet the needs of the mosques.”
In 1743, Zahir al-Zamr al-Zaydani, the Ottoman ruler of Palestine, built a mosque in his name in the northern city of Tiberias.
The Amari Mosque remained a magnetic point for worshipers until 1948, when it was abandoned after the Naqba, a term used by Palestinians to describe the formation of Israel on Palestinian rubble.
A special symbol of Tiberias, this mosque, also known as the Zaidani Mosque, was built on Mamluk architecture, with a large dome and minaret.
“Like most Palestinians, the people of Tiberias have fled to Syria and Lebanon after Naqba,” Speaker told the Anadolu Agency.
“However, the Zaidani family moved to the neighboring city of Nazareth,” he said.
Speaker said the Zaidani family had asked the Israeli authorities to allow the renovation of the Omari mosque.
“However, the Tiberias municipality refused to discuss the renovation, but nothing happened,” he said.
“Even after the Israeli authorities banned worshipers and pilgrims from entering it, the mosque has been closed,” he said.
Hajj rituals performed by Pilgrims, social decision due to Covid-19 maintained: Report
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