Justice Qazi Faez Isa Fails to Deny Disclosure of Requisite Information 

Lahore (4th June, 2019): Justice Qazi Faez Isa’s latest letter does not deny his failure to disclose requisite information. 

According to Baaghi TV’s reports, a second letter penned by Justice Qazi Faez Isa has surfaced which is an admission of the fact. In the latest letter he fails to deny the act of not disclosing requisite information.

If that is the case, and the fact lies that Justice Faez Isa loves to write such letters, then why has he not put his trust in the bar associations and other political parties? Why does he not politicize the process of the SJC and threaten the required parties with protests and/or agitation?

Also, why has he an Honourable Justice of the system, reacted against the proceedings of his fellow judges? His actions make it seem like his trust does not lie in the decisions taken by his brother judges that include the Chief Justice of Pakistan. It seems that he does not deem them worthy enough to be impartial to make the required decisions.

Moreover, why is he voluntarily handing over all the details to the media? Is this not exactly what he is accusing the government of doing? Since, it is not like he is being judged and executed by the Federal government, then why, is he behaving like he may is being accused of judicial misconduct.


Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates.

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