Kashmiris demand freedom not sham polls under gun shadows: Mushaal


Mushaal Hussein Mullick, wife of Jailed Kashmiri Hurriyat Leader Mohammad Yasin Malik has categorically stated that the brave Kashmiri people want freedom and not farcical elections in the occupied Jammu and Kashmir as these fraudulent polls cannot be substitute for plebiscite.

Mushaal in a video message on the scheduled fake elections in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) said that Kashmiris demanded free and fair plebiscite mandated under UNSC resolutions, not fraudulent elections under the shadow of guns of Indian occupation forces.

She said that Kaahmiri people were struggling for their birth and legitimate right to self-determination within the ambit of the UNSC resolutions and under the already agreed formula of partition but the usurper Indian authorities were trying to continue their unjust and illegal occupation on Kashmir valley by unleashing a reign of terror and coercive tactics.

However, stated: “I challenge India before the world if it truly considers itself a champion of democracy, then it should show the guts and courage to release the true Kashmiri representatives and leaders of hurriyat including Yasin Malik, Shabir Shah, Musarat Aalam and Asiya Andrabi along others innocent leaders and youth from unlawful imprisonment and give them the due rights to live independently to conduct genuine plebiscite in IIOJK because they were the real public representatives of people of the occupied valley.

She made it clear that Kashmir nation would expose Indian notorious government’s every action, Illegal tactics and conspiracy that was further strengthening the Indian status quo on Kshmir.

The Chairperson reiterated: “Our fight is for right to self determination and liberation from Indian subjugation.” She said that kashmiri people rejected the world most fraudulent and farcical elections and they would never accept anything less then freedom of Kashmir.

Mushaal went on to say that Kaahmiri people democratic struggle and voices were for right to self-determination and freedom from Indian slavery. The Chairperson stated that the proxy and fake candidates in IIOJK either they are new or old, they all are helping and instrument of the agendas of BJP Indian government and strengthening the status quo; hence they are not actual representatives of the people.

“We challenge the status quo because we are freedom fighters; therefore, we are boycotting the fake, fraudulent and farcical elections in the valley, because they are not substitute to freedom”, she concluded.

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