Kashmiris to continue struggle till achievement of their right of self determination: Fawad


ISLAMABAD, Aug 23 (APP):Federal Minister for Science and Technology, Chaudhry Fawad Hussain has said Kashmiri people would continue their struggle against Indian occupation till achievement of their right to self determination.

Talking to a private news channel, he said Pakistan would continue its diplomatic support for Kashmiri peoples in accordance with resolution of United Nation Security Council.

The minister said India had abolished special status of Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) by abrogating articles 35A and 370. Atrocities of Indian forces on Kashmiri peoples were at maximum level in the Occupied Valley after abrogating these articles, he added.

According to a plan, India had already disarmed the police in IoK, he said. Fawad said Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi’s awful face had been exposed before the world. Pakistan wanted to resolve Kashmir issue through negotiations as it was a nuclear flash point, he added.

He said Indian ceasefire violations on the border with Pakistan were posing a war threat. Many innocent people had been martyred by Indian unprovoked firing on the Line of Control, he added.

The minister said if war started between the two nuclear powers in South Asia, it would affect the whole world.

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