Latest atrocities by the Indian Army make life miserable for Kashmiris


Kashmir, 25th February: Lives of Kashmiris are in a miserable state as the Indian Army troops continue to harass Kashmiris in the name of a search operation.

Baaghi TV: According to reports, the Indian Army is trying all sorts of tactics to pose difficulties for the Kashmiris living in the Occupied valley.

According to reports from Baaghi TV, a few days ago two policemen were shot dead in public, after which the Indian Army launched a massive search operation in haste, searching Kashmiris for their homes, offices, shops and streets.

It is pertinent to mention here that this is the largest search operation since 1990 where the Mujahideen had bravely shot and killed the policemen in public at the intersection.

This has demoralized the Indian army and according to reports, a lot of young officers belonging to the army and police have requested holidays from their service.

To boost the morale of its soldiers and officers, the Indian Army has started intimidating Kashmiris so that people do not go out of their homes.

But they have forgotten that Mujahideen do not live in settlements and Kashmiris have been suffering for 74 years.

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