Life Tips by Mehreen: Keto Diet Weekly Meal Plan


Ketogenic diet is a low carb, high fat diet and is effective to reduce weight and improve metabolic activities, without counting your calorie intake and not keeping yourself hungry for a long time.

Keto diet helps in lowering the blood sugar levels and is good for HDL cholesterol levels too. This diet requires the intake of a lot of fluids and mineral supplements, to overcome the deficiency of minerals and salts in your body.

The basic food components in this diet include meat, fish, nuts, low carb veggies, eggs and cheese.

The three tips for keto diet are:

Take eggs in your breakfast daily.

Keep the bacon, meat, cheese and your veggies in the sliced form for a quick preparation of your lunch.

Make two portions of your dinner, consume one and keep the other refrigerated to be used at lunch time for the next day.

Watch my latest video on YouTube at my channel Mehreens corner, this video helps you in setting your weekly diet plan on a ketogenic diet. Do subscribe and watch the previous episode also on simple facts on Keto diet.

To help you get started here is a simple seven day meal plan of a ketogenic diet.

MONDAY: Start your week with a healthy food and add eggs and fish.

Breakfast: Have scrambled eggs in your breakfast along with a tomato and bacon. These will act as a quick source of energy and will metabolize quickly in your body.

Lunch: For your lunch, go for a salad including feta cheese, olives and assorted vegetables, to feel lighter and not to starve yourself.

Dinner: Take seafood at your dinner time and salmon is your option on Monday. Cook this salmon in butter and include asparagus in your dinner.

TUESDAY: Tuesday is a day for your meat, along with eggs and cheese.

Breakfast: For your breakfast eat a cheese omelet with basil and tomato as your veggies.

Lunch: Take almond milk, which is a plant milk produced from almonds and has a nutty flavour, it is fat free and does not contain cholesterol. Make a milkshake adding cocoa powder, peanut butter and almond milk. This will be nourishing and fulfilling and remember not to add sugar in your shake.

Dinner: Dinner is the most interesting part of your day, it consists of meatballs with cheddar cheese and your choice of low carb veggies, some of which might include broccoli, bell peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, spinach and avocados.


Breakfast: It’s a day without eggs in your breakfast, substitute your egg with a keto milkshake today. Keto milk shakes are sugar free and instead of your regular milk use almond or coconut milk. Keto milk shakes are very simple to make, just by adding few ingredients your desired result is ready. You can vary your recipe by adding vanilla, peanut butter, straw berries, banana, coffee or cocoa powder in the milk.

Lunch: Take a salad with shrimps/prawns/fish/salmon with the olive oil and avocado.

Dinner: Eat mutton chops with parmesan cheese, broccoli and salad. Make two portions of your salad prepared at lunch time and consume it with your dinner too.

THURSDAY: Enjoy your Thursday with a very tempting meal at the end of your day.

Breakfast: Take two eggs’ omelet and boost up your breakfast with avocado, salsa, peppers and onions and spices as per your taste.

Lunch: The lunch today consists of celery sticks, nuts, salsa and guacamole. Guacamole is an avocado based dip, spread or salad. All these ingredients are quick to prepare and an instant source of energy.

Dinner: Here comes the yummy part of your diet, eat stuffed chicken with cheese spread and salad.


Breakfast: Take a sugar free yogurt with peanut butter and a milk shake of your choice of vanilla and almond milk, or cocoa powder with coconut milk.

Lunch: Cook beef stir fried in coconut oil and supplement your lunch with low carb veggies.

Dinner: For a keto diet select a bun less burger for your food, skip the bun and any toppings that may be high in carbs. Make your bun with the burger patty along with bacon, egg and cheese.


Breakfast: Take a cheese omelet with vegetables and bacon/sausages as per your choice.

Lunch: Take cheese slices with nuts and seeds of your choice, which may include walnuts, almonds, peanuts, pecans, hazelnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds and sesame seeds, which are full of vitamins.

Dinner: Eat white fish cooked in coconut oil, which is a low in cholesterol and is very beneficial in keto diet. Add egg and spinach to your dinner too.


Breakfast: Take fried eggs, two preferably with mushrooms and bacon.

Lunch: Take a bun less burger with cheese, compliment your lunch with salsa/guacamole.

Dinner: For dinner take steaks with an egg and veggies to make a satisfying meal.

(The source for food ideas is Healthline).

You can clearly observe the pattern of different food components and should always try to rotate your vegetables and meat as each provide different nutrients and health benefits.

Tip for eating out: While going out to a restaurant, you can easily make your keto-friendly meal, by ordering egg based meals at your breakfast time and fish or meat as your main meals along with the veggies instead of fries. For the dessert, ask for the cheese based sweets or berries and cream is your best option.

I always stress upon healthy eating, cutting down on your food portions and select a healthy work out routine for yourself to stay healthy and fit.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more interesting topics.

Life Tips by Mehreen: Simple facts on Ketogenic Diet









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