Lockdowns and Death rates

The moment Lock Down was  eased (lifted), the typical segment of society started banging their heads all over Socia and Electronic Media that the death toll has risen due to this step.

They should know that this death toll of today relates to cases detected 14 or more days back. It is not so that lockdown is lifted and people have started dying immediately. These are the cases of infections during the so-called lock down!!

This means that the effects of easing of lock down will be seen in early and mid-June. If the deaths are in 1000s daily (God Forbid) like USA, then the policy will and should be revised and a complete and strict lockdown will be implemented. If the average death toll remains as of today which is about 30 deaths per day, then no sane mind should call for lockdown because out of these 30 deaths, 80% of patients are with comorbidities. The balance between 5 deaths per day and 150 million people dying or getting sick of hunger and poverty is not that difficult to ascertain and decisions made.

Let us pray that the death rate remains lower in early-mid June and Pakistan will be a success story.

The model and policy will be changed 180 degrees if things got out of hands and Insha Allah they won’t. Here we will have to trust Allah.
If anyone wants to stay at home because they can afford to, they may please stay indoors for 100 years. But if you are amongst those who need to go out, then get out of home with complete care and go out sparingly.

Follow SoPs, Wash hands, maintain social Distancing, trust Allah. If NOT then there will be suffering and then we would learn the hard way.

To reiterate again, this death toll relates to the infections acquired during the LOCKDOWN!! The real statistics will be available in mid June and if the figures remained the same it will be a shocking revelation that lockdown or no lockdown, the disease would behave the same. It is about time we stop following the number of tests and the number of positives and focus on the real and most important statistical variable i.e. NUMBER OF DEATHS! Just by doing so the anxiety and depression from the society will evaporate instantly.

P.S. No one in his sane mind would call this Virus a Hoax. This is very, very real and contagious but NOT AS DEADLY!! Anyone could be the victim but the logic remains the same. Air Crashes are the DEADLIEST of all accidents but the ratio of Air accidents to road accidents is negligible!!

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