Mishal Lauds Senate’s Unanimous Resolution Against Indian Inhuman Treatment of Yasin Malik

Meshal Malik has shared her heartfelt felicitations on Eid ul Adha

18th January 2021, ISLAMABAD: Mushaal Hussein Mullick, the wife of Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Yasin Malik lauded the Senate of Pakistan for passage of a unanimous resolution condemning inhuman and degrading treatment with senior Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik, who is incarcerated in a death cell in the notorious Tihar Jail in India.

Both the government and opposition fully supported the resolution regarding Yasin Malik, which was passed unanimously by the lower house on Monday.

The Chairperson Peace and Culture Organization, in a statement, said that the unanimous resolution regarding plight of Kashmiri freedom fighter, which will send a good message not only to the Kashmiri people but to the world that Pakistan will stand by their Kashmiri brothers and sisters until breaking the shackles of Indian slavery.

The Senate of Pakistan, taking note of the systematic imprisonment and torture of political prisoners in Indian Occupied Kashmir, takes note of the serious plight of Kashmiri freedom fighter, Yasin Malik, who spent 25 years of his life in Indian prisons.

The Senate strongly condemns this inhuman and degrading treatment of Yasin Malik, since his only crime is to raise his voice against the brutal Indian military occupation. The Senate noted with grave concern that new false charges are being concocted against him with the sole purpose to keep him in jail indefinitely.

The Senate urged the government of Pakistan to immediately take up the case of Yasin Malik and all other political prisoners in Occupied Kashmir, including Mohtarma Aasiya Andrabi Sahiba, with the United Nations Human Rights Council.

It was stated that the government should take steps to ensure swift release from illegal imprisonment; besides launching a sustained global campaign for highlighting this issue at all international fora, including foreign governments, parliaments and human rights organizations.

The Senate said that the house should be reported back within 45 days regarding the progress made on this issue.

She hoped that Pakistan would take the issue at global stage so as to ensure her husband’s release, who has been battling for life in the notorious Indian jail for his crime to raise voice for the birth right of right to self-determination.

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