Muslim mutton shop owner shot dead in Bihar


Unidentified bike-borne assailants in broad daylight killed a Muslim mutton shop owner in Bihar state in India.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the victim, identified as Afroz Khatri, an owner of a mutton shop in Rambagh Chowk area of Muzaffarpur, was shot dead while he was heading towards his shop when the assailants fired two bullets in broad daylight, resulting in his death on the spot.

The motive behind the attack remains unclear and no suspects have been identified yet. A video of the incident, showing two bike-borne men shooting Afroz Khatri, has gone viral.

The brazen daylight brutal murder of the mutton shop owner triggered anger among residents, leading to protests with the body placed in the centre of the road.

Speaking to the media, one of the victims’ relatives, Alam, revealed that Afroz Khatri owned a mutton shop at Masjid Chowk. “He was walking towards his shop from home when he was surrounded by two assailants who shot him dead,” he deplored.

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