New leaked video shows F-35C crash on aircraft carrier

New leaked video shows F-35C crash on aircraft carrier I Baaghi TV

An unknown insider has leaked a video of the crash of an F-35C stealth fighter jet aboard the carrier USS Carl Vinson last month, prompting the United States (US) Navy to track the source of the video. 

According to the details, F-35C, the latest fighter in the US Navy fleet, is seen on a video monitor from inside the USS Carl Vinson, which was reportedly on operations in the South China Sea when the crash occurred on January 24, 2022.

In a statement to Navy Times, a Naval Air Forces spokesperson did not dispute its authenticity and said that it was an “unauthorised release of video footage from flight deck cameras.”

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The video feed from the carrier’s in-deck Pilot’s Landing Aid Television (PLAT) appears to show the F-35 approaching the carrier’s stern at a very low altitude. In the audio of the same video, an air traffic controller can be heard shouting at the pilot, urging him to take action and “wave off’ the landing attempt.

A few seconds later, the rear of the plane hits the ramp at the carrier’s stern, and the wrecked aircraft violently slides down the length of the deck and over the edge of the bow. After a splash, a voice in the background in the background can be heard informing “pilot in the water”.

“That’s really, really scary,” said Peter Layton, a former Royal Australian Air Force who now works at the Griffith Asia Institute.

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Layton further stated that by the looks of it, it seems that the jet was not using an automatic landing system or digital controls which help limit the number of times the pilot must makes corrections to land the plane safely on the deck.

Though the Navy has noted disclosed the location of the crash in the South China Sea, Beijing claims almost all of the 1.3 million square mile waterway and has fortified its claims by building militarising reefs and islands.

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