‘New research satellite launched into orbit’: Iran


TEHRAN: In a major development, Iran on Saturday blasted a new research satellite into orbit, Iranian state media said. However, its latest development for aerospace programme, is not avoided by Western criticism.


“The Chamran-1 research satellite was successfully launched and put into orbit by the Ghaem-100 carrier,” Iranian media reported.


The satellite, which weighs around 60 kilograms (132 pounds), is designed to test hardware and software systems for orbital manoeuvre technology, the state television report added.


The device was designed and built by Iranian Electronics Industries in collaboration with the defence ministry, state TV said.


Western governments including the United States have repeatedly warned Iran against such launches, saying the same technology can be used for ballistic missiles and can be threatening, including ones designed to deliver a nuclear warhead.


On the contrary, Iran has countered the argument by saying that it is not seeking nuclear weapons and that its satellite and rocket launches are only for civil and defence objectives.


The Ghaem-100 rocket which carried the latest satellite is manufactured by the aerospace organisation of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps, an arm of the military.


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