Pakistan on Course to Achieving Objectives of Independence: Shibli Faraz


ISLAMABAD, Aug 13 (APP): Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Shibli Faraz has said that having gone through a series of trials and tribulations, Pakistan was traversing a democratic path to fulfill the objectives of its independence and consolidating its gains.

Speaking at a get-together with foreign media, organised as part of Pakistan’s Independence Day festivities here, he said that the emergence of Pakistan on the world map on August 14, 1947 was a significant event of the 20th century, made possible by the courageous leadership of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He said the resolution that was passed on March 23, 1940, making a demand for an independent homeland for Muslims of the sub-continent, turned into a reality just seven years later.

Shibli Faraz said that celebrating its Independence Day has a special significance for any nation. He said that the occasion provided an opportunity to us as a nation to ponder over the past and to reaffirm our pledge to pursue the objectives envisioned by the founding fathers with complete commitment and resolve. Further, it was also an occasion to express gratitude to our brothers and sisters who made sacrifices and laid their lives for gaining independence. He said that under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan we are engaged in fighting the challenges with unswerving commitment. A process of path correction and giving the country a system of governance which conforms to the ideals and objectives of independence has been set rolling backed by wholehearted support of the nation.

He said the government was focused on managing the national economy in a most efficient and effective manner, both at the macro and micro levels, to achieve higher sustainable and inclusive economic growth. The government, he said, has taken initiatives on the fiscal, monetary and exchange rate side for stabilisation along with implementing medium to long-run measures for sustainable and inclusive growth. He said that implementation of this agenda would put the economy on a higher growth trajectory.

About the handling of the corona virus, he said that Pakistan’s preparation and response to COVID-19 has been one of the best in the world. With the grace of God and hard work, the government has been able to contain the disease through timely decisions, smart lockdown strategy, SOPs implementation and trace, test and quarantine strategy.

“We have tried to ramp up the health system capacity and have undertaken close monitoring of the situation and appropriate decision making at national level”, he said.

He said that he would like to quote UN General Assembly President-elect Volkan Bozkir here: “Pakistan has been a good example for the world with its pandemic-related policies. The figures show that Pakistan has done better than other countries in the world and I am happy to observe it with my own eyes.”

He said he would like to avail the opportunity to state that while the people of Pakistan celebrate their independence day they also feel grieved by the sufferings of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) who are living under inhuman conditions due to the siege and complete lockdown in the valley and are also bearing the brunt of the brutalities of the Indian security forces in the form of extra-judicial killings. He called upon the media, and through the media, the world community, to project the Kashmir cause in the manner it deserves. He felicitated all the Pakistanis at home and living abroad on the 74th anniversary of the Independence of Pakistan.

Earlier in his welcome address the Secretary Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Akbar Durrani said that August 14,1947, was the day when Pakistan became independent as a result of struggle and sacrifices of Muslims of the sub-continent. This day is celebrated with great fervour, zeal and patriotism not only within Pakistan but wherever Pakistanis reside, he remarked. Recalling the history, he said that Pakistan started with the minimum of resources and a difficult neighbour and unfinished disputes of partition.

Akbar Durrani quoted Quaid-e-Azam who said in his address on 11 October 1947: “I had no illusion about the hard work that awaited us and the difficulties that had to be overcome. I was, however, fortified by the knowledge that I could count upon the unstilted support of all Muslims and also the minorities whose cooperation we could win over by fair-nay, generous-treatment.”

The Secretary Information said that in the same speech he encouraged his people by saying: “God has given us a grand opportunity to show our worth as architects of a new State; let it not be said that we did not prove equal to the task.” He said that today standing here after 73 years of independence he was proud to say that the Pakistani nation has left its mark in many disciplines and areas.

He also urged the foreign media to enjoy Independence Day celebrations, lighting on the buildings, white and green colours of flags on roads, beats of national songs and taste of Pakistani food and project to the world the true colours of Pakistan. Later, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Senator Shibli Faraz also cut a cake in connection with the celebrations of Independence Day.

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