PCMA elects Jahangir Piracha as new chairman


Lahore: Jahangir Piracha, Chief Executive Officer for Engro Polymer & Chemicals Limited has been elected as Chairman Pakistan Chemical Manufacturers Association (PCMA), whereas Mr. Haroon Ali Khan of CHT and Mr. Abdul Hai Usman Ghani of Ittehad Chemical Has been elected as Senior Vice President and Vice President respectively.

Mr. Piracha, while taking over the charge as the President PCMA has expressed determination to launch a sustainable move for bringing the Naphtha Cracker Complex dream into reality. He said that the heavy investment required for the project cannot be born neither by the government alone nor by the private sector. Foreign investment from Saudi Arabia, China and other friendly countries would be helpful in establishing the Naphtha Cracker Complex in Pakistan, he said adding that he would reopen the negotiations with the prospective investors of China and Saudi Arabia, who had expressed keen interest in this project during meeting with him as CEO Angro in the recent past.

Mr. Zafar Mehmood, outgoing President PCMA, while handing over the charge to the newly elected president, all possible relief and facilities were obtained from government during last year for survival of the Chemical industry to fight against the Covid-19 catastrophe. He hoped that the newly elected office bearers would be in a better position to do advocacy for the longstanding need of the Naphtha Cracker Complex for the country to produce a wide range of chemicals, which are currently being imported from abroad by spending heavy amount the foreign exchange.

Mr. Mubashir Ahmad, former Senior Vice Chairman and Mr. Mohsin Zia, former Vice Chairman extended congratulation to the newly elected office bearers and assured of the best cooperation in promoting the cause of PCMA.

Mr. Haroon Ali Khan, newly elected Senior Vice Chairman and Mr. Abdul Hai Usman Ghani, while taking over the charge of their offices in the PCMA woed to serve the chemical manufacturing community in the best of their capacities.

Syed Iqbal Kidwai, Secretary General of PCMA apprised the new office bearers about ongoing projects and plans of the PCMA and also presented an overview of the Annual Report of PCMA for the year 2020-21.


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