PM Imran Khan chaired a high level meeting to review the internal and external security situation


Friday, July 3rd: ​Minister for Defence Mr. Parvez Khattak, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Nadeem Raza, Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan and Director General Inter Services Intelligence Lt Gen Faiz Hamid attended the meeting.

​The meeting reviewed internal and external security situation and resolved that sovereignty of Pakistan will be protected at all costs. It was also resolved that Pakistan believes in peaceful co-existence with its neighbors but we have both the will and the capacity to defend our people and territorial integrity.

​The meeting expressed serious concern over the continued human rights violation by Indian forces in the IOJ&K and urged the international community to take notice.

​The meeting also paid glowing tributes to the bravery and coordinated efforts of Law Enforcement Agencies who successfully thwarted the recent attack on Pakistan Stock Exchange.

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