PM Imran Khan urges India to stop atrocities in IIOJK on Black Day

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Oct 27, 2021: Reiterating Pakistan’s continued support in the just struggle of Kashmiris for the right to self-determination, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that he stood shoulder to shoulder with his Kashmiri brothers.

In his message on the occasion of Kashmir Black Day, Prime Minister Imran said that I assure my Kashmiri brothers and sisters that Pakistan would extend all possible cooperation and shoulder to shoulder with them till their legitimate and inalienable right to self-determination is achieved.

The Prime Minister said that the resolve of Kashmiris is strong even after seven decades of tyrannical rule of the Indian occupying forces. He urged the international community to play its role in putting pressure on India to immediately stop human rights violations in occupied Kashmir and allow Kashmiris to decide their future in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions.

Referring to Kashmir’s Black Day, the Prime Minister said that it was also a day to remember the countless sacrifices of Kashmiris who would continue to resist India’s inhumane occupation and subjugation against their will.

“Today’s India is ruled by the ideology of the RSS, which has no place for Muslims or other minorities in the extremist worldview,” the PM said.

He said that India took unilateral and illegal action on August 5, 2019 and has been keeping Kashmiris under military siege for the last 815 days with the help of media blackout and other restrictions. The Prime Minister said that fake encounters, rape and serious human rights violations and extrajudicial killings were among the indescribable crimes against Kashmiris.

The Prime Minister further said that Pakistan raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir at every forum including the United Nations, OIC and bilaterally with important world leaders and capitals.

Prime Minister Imran Khan said that for the first time in 55 years, the Jammu and Kashmir dispute has come under consideration in the UN Security Council. “The dossier on India’s human rights violations in the IOK, which Pakistan unveiled last month, should be eye-opening to the world. It contains irrefutable evidence of India’s bullying.”

The Prime Minister said that it was the responsibility of the UN Security Council to take steps to ensure the implementation of its resolutions, so that the people of Jammu and Kashmir could realize their right to self-determination.

The Prime Minister further said that a just and peaceful resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the resolutions of the Security Council and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people is essential for lasting peace and stability in South Asia.

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