Poles increasingly skeptical about Covid vaccine: survey


Warsaw, Feb 23 (AFP/APP):A growing number of Poles are opposed to getting a Covid vaccine, according to an opinion poll published on Tuesday, despite government warnings about a rising “third wave” of infections.
The survey conducted by pollsters CBOS this month found 33 percent of Poles do not want to get vaccinated, against 55 percent who said they were in favour.
In a previous poll by CBOS in January, the proportion had been 30 percent against getting a vaccine and 56 percent in favour.
Less than half the respondents aged under 45 want to be vaccinated, according to the latest poll of 1,179 people conducted from February 1-11.
Infection numbers have been rising in Poland and the government warned last week that it expects the trend to continue because of new strains, although it has so far not said it will reverse the recent easing of restrictions.
“The third wave of the pandemic is already in Poland and it is no longer a question of whether this will happen or not but what the scale will be,” Health Minister Adam Niedzielski said on Friday.
So far this year, the government has re-opened non-essential shops as well as museums, cinemas, theatres and swimming pools.
The health ministry on Tuesday reported 6,310 new infections and 247 deaths — up from 5,178 infections and 196 deaths on the same day last week.
Michal Dworczyk, the top government official in charge of Poland’s vaccination drive, announced on Twitter on Monday that he himself has tested positive for Covid-19 and urged Poles to get vaccinated.

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