PTI govt to take all possible measures for uplift of G-B: Gandapur


ISLAMABAD, Nov 16 (APP):Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan Ali Amin Khan Gandapur Monday said that Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI), government would take all possible measures for uplift of Gilgit-Baltistan region.

In an interview with a private television channel, he said that election commission has made free and fair elections for the people of G-B.

Paying special thanks to voters of G-B for posing full confidence in the leadership of PTI government, he said all out efforts would be made to remove sense of deprivation of the people of northern region.

Commenting on allegations leveled by rival parties for rigging in elections, he said a candidate of the Pakistan Democratic Movement, had praised the CEC for conducting peaceful and transparent elections in the area.

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