PTI Leader condemns arrest of Opposition Leader in Sindh Assembly


HYDERABAD, Feb 21 (APP): Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Hyderabad President Imran Qureshi Sunday condemned the arrest of the Opposition Leader in the Sindh Assembly Haleem Adil Sheikh and harassment which he continues to face during detention.

Talking to media here, Qureshi contended that the way Sheikh was arrested during the by-elections in Malir had laid bare the true face of the Pakistan Peoples Party which continued to rule Sindh province. “Sheikh has been framed in fake cases and he is being subjected to harassment in the police custody,” he said and added that the life of the opposition leader was at risk. He warned that if anything happened to life of Sheikh the PPP would be held responsible. Qureshi blamed the PPP’s Sindh government for subjecting the PTI’s leaders and the people affiliated with them with political victimization.

“This all is being done on the directives of Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah,” he alleged. He recalled that earlier in February properties belonging to Sheikh and his family members were razed under the guise of anti-encroachment operation. Qureshi credited Sheikh for exposing billions of rupees of mega corruption of the PPP’s Sindh government.

“He is being punished for his such bravery. They leave a snake in his lockup and deny him access to his home supplied meals in order to torture him,” he deplored. He cautioned the PPP that the cruelty it was meting out to its opponents would haunt the party in the time to come.

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