Punjab DIG Prisons resigns in support of farmers’ protest


Expressing solidarity with protesting farmers, a serving officer of the Punjab police resigned from his post. Lakhminder Singh Jakhar, who was posted as Deputy Inspector General (DIG), Prisons, in Chandigarh, said he resigned on Saturday. “I have completed all the formalities and hence, I don’t think that there will be any hassle in accepting my resignation,” he said.

Jakhar was suspended in May over graft charges. The 56-year-old officer was, however, reinstated two months ago.

In his resignation letter, Jakhar offered ‘to deposit three months’ salary of notice period and other arrears as well, so that he can be relieved at the earliest.’

“I am a farmer first and a police officer later. Whatever position I have got today, it is because my father worked as a farmer in the fields and he made me study. Hence, I owe my everything to farming,” Jakhar said.

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