Punjab first province where interfaith policy formulated: Minister


Lahore: Provincial Minister for Human Rights Ejaz Alam Augustine has said that Punjab is the first province where interfaith policy has been formulated. Unfortunately, no importance has been given to interfaith in the past.

In 2018, first time Minority empowerment package was introduced while record budget had been increased of the Human Rights department. He said that every positive suggestion from the participants through Awaaz Forum 2 will be welcomed. These views were expressed by Provincial Minister Ejaz Alam on the occasion of attending Awaaz II provincial consultation at a private hotel in Lahore today. Representatives of Awaz II from 13 Districts, welfare organizations, Javed William from Faces of Pakistan and social activists were present on the occasion. Addressing the forum, Director Human Rights Muhammad Yousuf said that the Department of Human Rights stands by all the welfare organizations working together in the service of suffering humanity and is giving importance to all the suggestions put forward for the betterment of human rights. Provincial Minister Ejaz Alam said in his address that recently week of Interfaith Harmony was celebrated, in this regard various events were organized across the province to promote brotherhood. He added that for the first time in history, scholarship funds have been increased while Government of the Punjab promoting religious tourism and also working on renovation of Gurdwaras and temples etc. He also said that Human rights department announced model locality scheme, In this regard work on Yuhanabad, Warispura and Kanju mahalla is underway. He assured the participants that positive suggestions would be welcomed through Awaaz forum. At the end of the forum a shield was also presented to the provincial minister by the organizer of forum.

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