Punjab Govt to enhance capacity building of Police
ISLAMABAD, Sep 29 (APP):The provincial government of Punjab was cognizant of the inadequacies in the criminal justice system and trying to initiate reforms in Police department to avoid torture on prisoners, said an official.
Talking to APP, she said that Punjab government has introduced standard Operating Procedures on effective Police-Prosecution Cooperation at Provincial level to enhance the capacity of stakeholders involved in criminal judicial system.
She said the Punjab government has issued special directions to department concerned for the implementation of law to avoid torture on prisoners in this
She further added that the most important categories of suggested reforms
were to re-model the Police on the concept of investigation, intelligence,
education and training to the police including female to avoid torture.
She further said the leading government has focused to make police
resourceful to deal with the challenges of the modern world.
There would be interventions included the establishment and teaching of independent prison monitoring teams, training in medical and legal
documentation of torture, criminal justice reform, coalition building, judicial
training in international conventions and human rights standards, dissemination
of knowledge about effective and legal investigation, and prison research.
She further insisted that the police force needed to modernize the system to
ensure that the detainees are not subjected to torture and inhuman degrading treatment or punishment and focus on the use of force, disciplinary measures,
solitary confinement and relations between prisoners and staff.