Queen Elizabeth uses Zoom to talk to Princess Anne


London, 30th July 2020: Queen Elizabeth has come to terms with the new ways of communication ever since social distancing has been encouraged. She called her daughter Anne in a video call to support the nation’s careers during National Careers Week.

The Queen’s Assistant Private Secretary Tom Laing-Baker can be heard introducing her, like Anne, her daughter, smiles and says: “Good morning at Windsor.” Appearing on the screen, the Queen said: “Good morning. I’m very glad to have been able to join you.”

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Before the call started, her daughter Anne tried to make sure Queen Elizabeth knows how to use the technology. Anne asked the Queen, “Can you see everybody? You should have six people on your screen,” to which she replied: “Yes, well I can see four anyway!”


Their fans were overjoyed and sent wonderful replies such as, “Brilliant. Princess Anne is great and it’s been lovely watching the Queen. Another fan said, “Love it! The whole world deals with this in the same way.”

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The documentary of Princess Anne, aged 70, will release soon and is going to reveal many things about her life. Princess Anne’s son said that the Princess loves horses and loves spending time with them just like kids do.

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Her daughter says that she leaves her kids at Princess Anne’s house for Sunday normally, knowing that her mom will take care of them and likes spending time with them.


Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates!

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