Resolution passed to condemn atrocities against Kashmiri and Indian Muslims


Friday, July 17th: A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Home Affairs was held under the chairmanship of Senator Rehman Malik in which a resolution condemning the atrocities perpetrated by Modi on Kashmiris and Indian Muslims was unanimously passed.

The meeting strongly condemned the Indian atrocities and expressed solidarity with the Kashmiris. In the meeting, Senator Rehman Malik said that he greets and pays tribute to the Kashmiri martyrs.
He presented a resolution against Modi’s anti-Muslim illegal and inhumane measures. The text of which is as follows:
Senate Standing Committee on Home Affairs strongly condemns the illegal and inhumane actions of Indian Prime Minister Modi, the enemy of Muslims. Senate Standing Committee on Home Affairs condemns Indian Prime Minister Modi’s move to convert Muslim majority into minority

Indian PM changes domicile laws to reduce Muslim population. Senate Standing Committee on Home Affairs urges Pakistan to go to UN against Indian measures. Modi is openly violating UN and international law.

The right to self-determination is a fundamental right of Kashmiris under UN resolutions and laws.

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