Revised Capacity Building Program-90 Minutes with PPRA held



Lahore: Online capacity-building training session titled “Revised Capacity Building Program-90 Minutes with PPRA” through Zoom for all government departments was held on Tuesday November 30.

Alhamra was also a participant in the session. The session was hosted by “Public Procurement Regulatory Authority” (PPRA)
During the session, the host, Maryam Dawood, taught how to bid efficiently and how the rules and regulations for the advisement are and the bid works. The representative of PPRA said that PPRA is going to start E. Procurement. With this training, all the institutions should consider the essentials of buying and selling any item.
“Our goal is to ensure a fair and transparent process through which all entities will be able to put all their purchases online on the PPRA website, from the advertisement to getting a bid,” she said. The rules for blocking any company or any vibrations were also explained.
Dawood shed light on some essential points include the training that would boost the confidence to deliver without any fear of investigative agencies. Principles of procurement: value for money, economy, efficiency, and transparency play a big role and impact the exchequer. This training emphasized to give on requirements of E-Procurement and essential violations committed by the procuring agencies
PPRA has started the training under the overall guidance of the Chief Secretary and Additional Chief Secretary, Punjab, as desired by the Chief Minister to help everybody develop a better understanding of PPRA Rules and Procedures.
Executive Director Alhamra Ijaz Ahmad Minhas said that this session would help the Lahore Arts Council staff better understand what critical information should be kept in mind in any procurement. He further said that we are grateful to the Punjab Government and especially to the Chief Minister of Punjab, CM Sardar Usman Buzdar, under whose guidance such steps are being taken to make it easier for the people to understand the laws of PPRA.
The meeting was attended by DD admin Aftab Ahmed Ansari, AD Khuram Naveel, DD Archive Muhammad Arif, Mehmood Yaqoob, Naveen Roma, Mina Haroon, Irfan Inayat, Muhammad Saleem, Shahid, Hajra Mehmood, Ali Arif, Samreen Bukhari, and others.
Training will continue till 23.01.2022.

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