Risen from the ashes, a war without a cause

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The Americans left Vietnam just like that. The greatest war was fought with helicopters but eventually, they showed them a clean pair of heels. A war that was more of a fratricide. A war without a cause. Even those who were honoured threw their medals at the pentagon. 58,720 Americans died, countless others were injured.

What did Americans achieve? What other possible hard way for them remains to learn from. They have met the same fate now. Such an ignominious exit may well be the last straw that broke the camelback.

The Afghans are a force to reckon with. Afghans are organic. They have proved their mettle undoubtedly who have left almost all the nations confused, perplexed and stir crazy. Having taken control of their motherland they seem to have learnt from the past mistakes. They have rubbed shoulders with different potential organisations. There is a reason for us to believe that there may be some semblance of reasonability, allowing some moderation to creep in. If the world’s power keeps them engaged they may prove to be worthwhile. If the foreign powers try to isolate them, they may be taking to their past tactics, which in no way will be in favour of any of the stakeholders. America is like a wounded, and an enraged lion.

The defeated and then humiliated, if tries its utmost to bring harm to the Afghans diplomatically or financially, they may resort to their old ways. Better if we give them a chance to prove themselves, otherwise. Peace in Afghanistan means peace in its neighbouring countries.

True, and they will have to be at their best. The doctrine, that the Afghans have always defied the foreign invaders is understandable. But again in the comity of nations, you have to go by the rules of it. To be able to be recognised as a legitimate state, an uphill task lies ahead of them. Women empowerment, humanitarian efforts, and a congenial atmosphere where all can breathe freely is only a matter of time. Let it not be said that they were just a ragtag militia, a motley crew hell-bent to bring terror. It was more a fight for their people, a fight which meant living peacefully in Afghanistan where they could lead lives according to shariah, the sharia which calls for a just legal system for its fellow brothers and the community at large. They must retrieve foreign money from people like Ashraf Ghani and the ilk.

Once retrieved, give it back to those where it belongs. Must see that all foreign nationals are given a safe passage. They must ensure and guarantee a safe passage to those who secure a peaceful ouster. There is a fine line between a usurper and someone who fights for their real cause. They will have to dispel the impression that they are not marauding buccaneers like the Americans themselves. They are there to guard the 2300 km or more of their borders that belongs to them.

Since the 1800s 29 rulers came, majority of them were either ostracised or killed. The point being, no foreign ruler could possibly think of ruling them. They must announce amnesty, exemplary decisions should be taken for any wrong that is committed in the land of the Afghans, then only they could win the hearts of the people and change the thinking of the western world, in fact, all others would pale in comparison. When they know it’s not for money or power. It’s more about a benevolent rule as promised by Allah, and the Quran. They will be the new guys in town totally negating the world powers who have actually gone way too far in taking territorial control of borders beyond the circumscribing limits of their own countries. They are organic, they may prove to be a model for other war-torn countries which are torn by violence and crime. In fact, all others are not comparable, as we all lack the inherent strength, courage and resilience. They will have to prove it to the world at large. Their quest for peace was not an illusion. They fought for it and brought their dream to life. They fought the Russians, for ten years, and now they sent the Americans home packing. It was the last straw that broke the American camels back.

There is going to be a major shift from geopolitical to geo-economic ways then the bitter fights over isms is long gone. Communism or imperialism is not something up our alley anymore. We seem to have outdone all these. Connectivity will be the harbinger of change. One belt one road, the rail connection is something we must all be looking towards. The majestic rides like the oriental express or trans-Siberia must be introduced here establishing a link with central Asian sites cutting through Afghanistan. That’s the kind of future we are looking at.

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