Roger Elliot on Courage


I think that mostly, courage isn’t about great dragon-slaying undertakings.

It’s about the myriad of internal struggles every day, to do what we know is right, to say what may be unpopular, to face down our own fears.

Courage is about speaking and acting your truth, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel.

Why I still say this is our best fighting chance!

I would even go as far to say that there is no personal growth without the exercise of courage.

And perhaps we’re in danger as a society, with all our safe spaces and trigger warnings, of raising people who can’t stand any discomfort at all, and that would be a great tragedy for humanity.

A short note on “Why?”

[bs-quote quote=”Courage is about speaking and acting your truth, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you feel.” style=”style-17″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″ author_name=”Haider Mehdi ” author_job=”Analyst & Contributor, Baaghi TV”][/bs-quote]

Some thoughts to ponder over!

Think for 20 seconds what you would do in your life if your level of courage was doubled overnight.

How would you feel?

What would you achieve?

Boycott France Campaign!

How police, Home Office and Council ganged up against a Pakistani man 

Here’s to courage, bravery and other uplifting old-fashioned words.

“Old People Thoughts”

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