RSS Inspired BJP Regime Executing Pogrom Against Muslims & Minorities: Imran Khan


ISLAMABAD, Jan 6 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan Wednesday said the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) inspired ruling party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi had been implementing a pogrom against the Muslims and all other minorities in India, and Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

In an exclusive interview with ‘A News’, a Turkish news channel, the prime minister said the RSS was founded during 1920 and its founding fathers had been directly inspired by the Nazi party, and openly admired its racial and extremist policies. The RSS philosophy, he said, led to racial supremacists as even Mahatama Gandhi was assassinated by an RSS zealot. But when Modi came to power, he responded to a pogrom against the Muslims as evident from his tenure as chief minister of Gujarat where hundreds of Muslims were killed and made homeless by the fanatic Hindus supremacists, he added.

The Prime Minister to a question said contrary to former Indian prime minister Vajpayee who was a moderate, Modi moved on the other way.

“The RSS followers believe that India is the country only for the Hindus to live in. Such a situation is not only dangerous for the Muslims, but also for the whole minorities in India,“ he said, tracing back the historical reasons for the RSS-BJP policies against the Muslims and Christians, who had ruled the Sub-continent.

The Prime Minister agreed that Modi was responsible for tense ties between the two countries. He said when he came to power, his first move was to immediately improve relations with India. He asked Modi to build on friendship and move forward to find solutions to the issues but unfortunately, he did not respond.

Modi’s whole election campaign was based upon whipping up jingoistic and anti-Pakistan sentiments, he observed.

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