Russia expels British diplomats over spying, sabotage claims


Russia’s FSB security service has said it had revoked the accreditation of six British diplomats in Moscow whose actions it said showed signs of espionage and sabotage work.


However, Britain’s embassy in Moscow did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


The FSB, the key successor agency to the Soviet KGB, said on Friday it had documents showing that a British foreign office department in London responsible for Eastern Europe and Central Asia was collaborating what it called “the escalation of the political and military situation” and was tasked with ensuring Russia’s strategic defeat in its war against Ukraine.


“Thus, the facts revealed give grounds to consider the activities of British diplomats sent to Moscow by the directorate as threatening the security of the Russian Federation,” the FSB said in a statement.


“In this connection, on the basis of documents provided by the Federal Security Service of Russia and as a response to the several unfriendly steps taken by London, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, in cooperation with the agencies concerned, has terminated the accreditation of six members of the political department of the British Embassy in Moscow in whose actions signs of spying and sabotage were found,” it said.


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