Ryanair passenger jet makes emergency landing in Berlin


Berlin, May 31, 2021: A Ryanair passenger jet made an emergency landing in Berlin prior to continuing its journey to Poland, German police said late Sunday without releasing further details.

The departure from Dublin to Krakow made the sudden redirection after a reported bomb threat, German newspaper Bild Zeitung said.

With 160 individuals ready, the flight showed up at the Berlin-Brandenburg air terminal soon after 8 pm (1800 GMT) Sunday, staying on the tarmac area into early Monday morning.

A Berlin police representative said that officials had finished their security checks “without detecting any danger”.

“The passengers will continue their journey to Poland on board an extra plane,” she told press, without giving more exact details about the alarm.

The flight was emptied with the things likewise looked, German media detailed.

“The Ryanair plane that made a crisis landed revealed an air crisis and was subsequently quickly given an arrival grant at BER,” air terminal representative Jan-Peter Haack told Bild.

“The airplane is presently in a protected position,” a representative for the police told the paper.

The occurrence comes seven days after a Ryanair flight had to redirect to Belarus, with a traveler – a nonconformist writer – captured on appearance.

Also, in July a year ago, another Ryanair plane from Dublin to Krakow had to make a crisis arrival in London after a bogus bomb danger.


A Ryanair passenger plane made an emergency landing in Berlin before resuming its journey to Poland, German police said late Sunday without releasing further details. The flight from Dublin to Krakow made the unexpected diversion after a reported bomb threat, German newspaper Bild Zeitung said. With 160 people on board, the flight arrived at the Berlin-Brandenburg airport shortly after 8 pm (1800 GMT) Sunday, remaining on the tarmac into early Monday morning. A Berlin police spokesperson said that officers had completed their security checks “without any danger being detected”. “The passengers will resume their journey to Poland on board a spare aeroplane,” she told AFP, without giving more precise details for the alert. The flight was emptied with the baggage also searched, German media reported. “The Ryanair plane that made an emergency landed reported an air emergency and was therefore immediately given a landing permit at BER,” airport spokesman Jan-Peter Haack told Bild. “The aircraft is currently in a safe position,” a spokeswoman for the police told the newspaper. The incident comes a week after a Ryanair flight was forced to divert to Belarus, with a passenger — a dissident journalist — arrested on arrival. And in July last year, another Ryanair plane from Dublin to Krakow was forced to make an emergency landing in London after a false bomb threat.

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