Saleem Mandviwalla recommends reinstatement of pilots


The Senate Civil Aviation Subcommittee meeting wad chaired by Chairman Salim Mandviwala in which he recommended the reinstatement of the pilots.

Pilots have an important meeting with Senator Saleem Mandviwala at Parliament House.

A number of pilots made important revelations in the meeting and said that their licenses are not fake and the FIA ​​and Civil Aviation took their own statements during the investigation.

During the investigation, Civil Aviation and FIA forcibly took our statements. signed

The Civil Aviation threatened that if pilots had not given the statement as per their wishes, they would cancel the license, the stand of the pilots, they added.

“The pilots have informed us about all the details and important revelations. It is felt that pilots’ licenses were deliberately faked in the past,” Salim Mandviwala

“There should be an investigation as to who was against the pilot community in the past and all this was done,” Salim Mandviwala added.

He said there is already a shortage of pilots in the country and flights are being canceled due to lack of pilots while the national airline is suffering huge losses due to flight cancellations.

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