Senator Kamil Ali Agha calls on Ch. Pervez Elahi


Lahore, Sept. 13 (Online): General Secretary Senator Kamil Ali Agha and Senior Vice-President Punjab Ch Salim Baryaar called on Speaker Punjab Assembly and President Pakistan Muslim League (PML) Punjab Ch Parvez Elahi at his residence here on Sunday.

During the meeting views were exchanged regarding local body’s elections, party election, reorganization and national political situation. Senator Kamil Ali Agha and Ch Salim Baryaar briefed him regarding intra-party election ad reorganization.  Ch Parvez Elahi said that our party will fully participate in the local bodies elections.

Issuing directions regarding local polls, he said that the party workers should be activated in all districts at the lowest level and peoples services rendered during our tenure should be highlighted from door to door.

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