Soldier martyred defending polio team in North Waziristan

Soldier martyred defending polio team in North Waziristan | Baaghi TV

Terrorists attempted to disrupt the ongoing polio campaign by firing on the members of Polio team, employed in general area Spinwam, North Waziristan District.

According to ISPR, security forces, deputed to provide protection to the Polio team, effectively engaged terrorists’ location ensuring safety of all members of the team and extricated them unharmed.

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However, during ensuing fire exchange between security forces and the terrorists, Sepoy Saqib Ur Rehman (age 25 years, resident of District Mardan) sacrificed his life in the line of duty, embracing Shahadat.

Sanitization of the area is being carried out to eliminate any terrorists found in the area.

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Security forces of Pakistan are determined to eliminate the menace of terrorism and such sacrifices of our brave soldiers further strengthen our resolve.

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