Spanish tourist woman gang-raped in India


A Spanish tourist woman was attacked and gang-raped by a group of men in Indian state of Jharkhand.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the victim woman along with her husband, exploring India’s landscapes, encountered the group who not only assaulted the woman but also stole their belongings.

The distressing incident came to light late Friday night when a patrol unit discovered the traumatized couple in Kurmahat village. The assailants, seven to eight in number also robbed the couple of their belongings.

The victim is currently receiving medical care, and an investigation is underway. The Spanish embassy is closely monitoring the situation, providing the necessary support to the couple.

The incident has sparked outrage across Spain, with celebrities and citizens condemning the assault and calling for improved safety measures for women and foreigners in India. The outcry reflects broader concerns about the prevalence of sexual violence and the treatment of tourists in India.

This incident underscores the urgent need for India to address issues of women’s safety and ensure a welcoming environment for all visitors.

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