Taliban calls upon the EU to help in keeping Afghanistan’s airports operational


Baaghi TV: The Taliban have called upon the European Union to help keep Afghanistan’s airports operational.

The Taliban delegation led by Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Mottaki, met with EU’s special envoy to Afghanistan, which was led by Thomas Nicholson. The Taliban delegation also comprised of interim ministers of health and education.

The European Union (EU) reveals that the Taliban have asked for their help in keeping Doha airports operational.

The group said in a statement that talks with the Taliban were not about recognizing the Taliban, but were part of an EU operational dialogue in the interests of the EU and Afghans.

The statement said the Taliban had promised to abide by its promises of a general amnesty and would allow Afghans and foreigners wishing to leave Afghanistan to travel through airports.

Talks between the two parties will continue over two days starting on November 29th in the capital city of Qatar.

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