Taliban’s rapid advances have taken the Biden administration by surprise

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Aug 17, 2021: The rapid advance of the Afghan Taliban has not only taken most countries by surprise, but has also troubled President Joe Biden’s administration.

According to foreign media outlets, the pace of the fall of the Afghan government and the resulting chaos has put President Joe Biden in a very difficult position as leader of the war on terror.

US President Biden has acknowledged that the Afghan Taliban’s rapid advance was astonishing, while Ashraf Ghani’s government is responsible for the delay in the withdrawal of Afghans and other foreigners from Afghanistan.

A claim made by US intelligence officials just a few days ago said that the Taliban could cut off Kabul from other cities within the next 30 days and capture Kabul in 90 days. The Taliban has used its war strategy to disprove all claims made by US intelligence, which has led to Biden facing strong criticism from other opposition leaders, including Republicans.

According to reports, the failure of the Biden administration has resulted in the planned evacuation of US troops becoming an emergency evacuation plan.

Top officials in the current US administration have acknowledged that they were cautious about the speed with which Afghan security forces surrendered.

In an interview with CNN, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said, “We have seen that Afghan forces have failed miserably in defending the country, and this has happened much faster than we expected.”

According to the report, senior White House officials said that President Joe Biden stayed in Camp David yesterday and was briefed on the situation in Afghanistan.

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