The Gorgeous Diva Finally Gives Beauty Tips

LAHORE (30th Nov, 2019): Beautiful Pakistani actress, Mahnoor Baloch, who is well-known for her youthful looks, has finally revealed the secrets to her good looks.

According to reports of Baaghi TV, our favourite actress, who made her acting debut in Sultana Siddiqui’s Marvi (1993) has always drawn attention for looking younger.

Many have pointed out that the actress ages at an extremely slow rate, and has not changed since her debut. Most of us cannot believe that Baloch is a grand mother, but the reality is that she actually is one.

In a recent interview, the actress revealed the secrets of her never-ending beauty. The Noor Bano (2010) star said:

[bs-quote quote=”For wrinkle-free skin, everyone should moisturise and cleanse face before going to bed, and sunblock is a must.” style=”style-8″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″][/bs-quote]

While giving tips about how to look young, the Ladies Park (2011) star added:

[bs-quote quote=”Drink water as much, as you can, having health supplements, and working out at least 30 minutes a day and 5 days a week.” style=”style-8″ align=”center” color=”#dd0000″][/bs-quote]


Yes, the most importantly while talking about her diet plans, Baloch revealed, “I’ve cut out wheat, sugar and healthy foods from my diet.”

Here are some evergreen pictures of Pakistani star, Mahnoor Balooch.

The image has been taken from Brandsynario

The image has been taken from Images.dawn

The image has been taken from Images.dawn

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The image has been taken from wow Reads


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