The India of Gandhi and Nehru No More

It is indeed a Black Day in the parliamentary history of India. Where law is being floundered to a degree which is unprecedented, quite incomprehensible and has rendered many in awe and wonderment.

Stolid Modi played his masterstroke after Imran’s sojourn to Trump’s America. It seemed he was to have a last frontier with our captain. The mediation offer of Trump has been trounced upon by India in the most unlikeliest manner, the constitution and it’s all provisions related to Jammu and Kashmir, all have been annulled.

The mechanism to reintroduce a much changed position on Jammu and Kashmir is launched in the rajeya sabha. Need reassurances, for we want deescalation, there is a strong probability that nuclear arms race will gain momentum. It is unlikely we have cessation of hostilities. The strategic balance will be gone. The whole scenario will catapult in India’s favour. Modi’s jingoism presents a bigger threat to India’s secularism. His hubaristic actions will lead to more destruction.

It’s a straight blow to the people of Kashmir, and to the noms of democracy. We can’t afford another Palestine with majority Muslims being denied the right to freedom and their right to existence.

Violation is carried out on humanitarian grounds. The revocation of 370 and 35 A says a lot about the inviolable rights of the people of Kashmir, but it has been marred by modi.The right to self determination is shrouded in mystery. The world powers are numb except a few who may not be as vociferous as others but modi is playing the counter terrorism card with perfect ease. He will eventually push the Muslims to come and settle in enclaves close to LoC.

It is presumed we might have millions of Kashmiri refugees eventually making their way into Pakistan.

We will have to provide them food and other amenities. Israel and Netanyahu would be too happy to be having India by their side, and a partner in crime. The enormity of the barbarism, is reprehensible in all its forms and manifestation. The growing reign of terror has not dampened the spirit of the freedom movement but It is being curbed with brute force and cluster bombs.

The joint session of parliament today has been held to take a stern action and a well thought out plan so devised for actionable justice on part of the international agencies and other such forums.

This is a cowardly abhorrent act which is being condemned by all in letter and spirit, so far there is no coherent plan to undo all that took place. Unfortunately few days ago the country was rife with all sorts of information doing the rounds but we paid no heed.

No time for point scoring and filli bustering Imran Khan was rather irked when shahbaz Sharif was demanding action from our Prime Minister. Imran seemed exasperated. He said he went to the US for betterment of relations between the US and Pakistan and not India. He was catagoric in saying that he made a head way for there was a change in Trump’s tone and tenor. He also said that there lived millions of Muslim brothers in Afghanistan. Its the thought that forces him. It is no denying the fact that peace must be restored in Afghanistan. We all demand that, but no way that we bargain peace in Afghanistan over Kashmir.

Kashmir is our jagular vein. We shall stand up to the butcher of India. The secular india is no more the india of Gandhi and and India of Nehru.

The Simla accord, the resolutions of United Nations have been rejected and mauled. Modi is playing with fire. The core commanders conference today signals strongly to the world powers that we won’t rest until the resolution of Kashmir depute is settled. Kashmir has been the flashpoint of our mutual discussions for long, without liberating Kashmiris their efforts seem to be ending in futility.

Despite the long sacrifices made by generations of the pallet ridden Kashmiris their dream still remains unfulfilled.

Time for Pakistan that the nation and its polarized leaders should stand as one.


Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for more updates.


  1. Kashif Nadeem 7 August, 2019 at 23:38 Reply

    Truly brilliant. Poinr raised‚ intelligently articulated. Its a top notch article on the issue of Kashmir.

  2. Kashif Nadeem 7 August, 2019 at 23:38 Reply

    Truly brilliant. Poit raised‚ intelligently articulated. Its a top notch article on the issue of Kashmir.

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