Story of friends who became millionaires from a tea stall

Story of friends who became millionaires from a tea stall

It is said that if you have passion and dedication for something, even the most difficult decisions you make in life will turn out to be the greatest, and the unusual story of three Indian friends is a perfect example of this term.

The tale of three friends from Indore, Madhya Pradesh, who decided to operate a tea stall instead of becoming government employees 5 years ago today has being published in Indian media.

Instead of looking for work, the three friends built a stand called ‘Chai Suta Bar’ and became billionaires within a few years, according to media sources.

Lucky friends now has assets of over Rs 100 crore and has 165 outlets across India, including Dubai, Oman, and Spain, in just 5 years.

Although this friends’ stand contains a tea stall, the peculiar thing is that customers are not permitted to smoke at this stall.

The tea bar differs from traditional tea stalls in that it offers a variety of tea varieties for only Rs.

Tea is served in clay cups and axes, which is another unique feature of this booth.

According to the story, the three friends bought their first tea stand for Rs 300,000 in 2016, but it has now been transformed into a private limited business with branches all over the world.

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