The torment on the previous nations came because of a few sins, what will become of us? Allama Haqqani

Lahore: “The torment on the previous nations came because of a few sins, we have all kinds of sins inside us, what will become of us?” Allama Haqqani and Allama Mousavi discuss in their scholarly talk during Rehmat Hee Rehmat, sehri transmission, powered by Q-Mobile.
“The torment on the previous nations came because of a few sins, we have all kinds of sins inside, what will become of us?” Explaining the advice of Allama Haqqani and Allama Mousavi, Allama Abdul Shakur Haqqani said, “To Thamud We sent their brother Saleh.”
He said: “O my people! Serve Allah, you have no god other than Him; The clear proof of your Lord has come to you. This she-camel of Allah is a sign for you, so leave her to roam in the land of Allah. Do not touch it with any evil intention, otherwise a painful torment will befall you. Remember the time when Allah made you successors after the people of Aad and gave you the position in the earth that today you would build majestic palaces in its flat plains and carve its mountains into houses. So do not be heedless of the miracles of His power and do not spread mischief in the land.”
The chiefs of his people, who had become great, said to the weak who believed, “Do you really know that Saleh is the Messenger (AS) of his Lord?” The claimants of that greatness said, “We deny what you believe.” Then they killed the she-camel and disobeyed the command of their Lord with all their might, and said to Saleh, “Bring the torment which you threaten us with, if you are indeed one of the Messengers.”
“At last a shocking calamity befell them, and they lay prostrate in their homes. And Salih went out of their towns, saying: O my people! I have conveyed to you the message of my Lord and I have been very kind to you, but what shall I do if you do not like my well-wishers? For a while after Noah (AS), his descendants and the descendants of those who believed in him remained on the path of guidance.
Allah (swt) exalted the people of Aad, but they became arrogant and perished. After them, Allah Almighty bestowed virtue on the people of Thamud. Aad used to build buildings with high pillars, then Thamud carved mountains and built magnificent buildings inside them. That is why in Surah Fajr, Aad is called “the one with the pillars” and he said about Thamud, “Those who carved rocks in the valley used to build huge palaces in their plains.” It was all about showcasing one’s greatness, one’s wealth and power, and one’s mastery of art, there was no real need.
This is what happens in a corrupt society where the poor have no place to hide and the rich and powerful build more palaces than necessary to live and unnecessarily build monuments to show off their splendor. There are still stone buildings that the people of Thamud carved in the mountains.
The Prophet (SAW) showed these relics to the Muslims passing by on the occasion of the Battle of Tabuk and taught them the lessons that every insightful person should learn from archaeology. At one point, he pointed to a well and said that this was the well from which Hazrat Saleh (AS)’s camel drank water; and instructed the Muslims to take water only from this well and not from the rest of the wells.
Pointing to a mountain pass, he said that the camel used to come from this pass to drink water. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) gathered the Muslims who were walking in their ruins, and delivered a sermon in front of them in which he reminded them of the fate of Thamud and said: “Get out of here quickly, this is not a resort but a place to cry.”
Human history and the archaeology of the people of Aad and Thamud and other nations bear witness to the fact that whichever nation considered the life of this world to be the real life, and denied that man would finally have to give his account in Allah’s court and are suffering from severe moral depravity.
Even Allah’s punishment came and cleansed the world from its existence. These people believed in Allah but were not ready to obey and worship Allah. Polytheism and idolatry were common among them. The worst people of the nation were its leaders. The city was divided into nine groups. Needless to say, there was a tacit agreement between them to keep the weak in their area in the grip of oppression. They were drunk on the pride of their pride.
Hazrat Saleh (AS) said to them, “Leave the obedience of your chiefs and leaders under whose leadership this cruel system of life is going on. These are corrupt people, they have crossed all the boundaries of immorality. There can be no improvement from their hands.”
The nation of Lot is mentioned seventeen (17) times in the Qur’an. The home of the nation of Lot was the city of Sodom and Gomorrah, which was located on the shores of the Dead Sea. Consisted of good big cities. The names of those whose names were Sodom, Gomorrah, Adamah, Sabobim, and Zughar are described by the Holy Qur’an in many places in the words Mutfakka and Mutfakat (ie, inverted settlements). Sodom was considered the capital and center of these cities.
When Lot (AS) came and settled in Jordan near the Sea of Lot, where the settlements of Sodom and Gomorrah were located, Allah Almighty sent him as a Prophet to guide the people of Sodom. There was no evil that did not exist in them. They were a rebellious and immoral nation of the world. Along with all these evils, this nation was also the originator of an evil practice, that is, they used to mix with boys instead of women to fulfill their desires. This practice was not practiced in the other nations of the world till thrn. It was this wretched nation that initiated this unholy act, and even more obscene was that they did not consider their wickedness a defect, but continued to do so with open pride.
In these circumstances, Lot rebuked the people for their immorality and evils and encouraged them to live a life of nobility and purity, and explained and advised them in every possible way with kindness and love, and the misdeeds of the previous nations. He taught them a lesson by telling them the consequences and the torment that had befallen them, but they were not affected. Instead, they satirized him and said: “We do not believe. If you are truthful, then bring upon us the punishment of Allah.”
Here it was happening and on the other hand, the angels of Allah came to Ibrahim (AS) in human form. Ibrahim (AS) treated them as guests and wanted to show his hospitality to them, but they refused to eat. Seeing this, Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) understood that the angels must be an enemy who is refusing to eat according to the constitution, and became upset. So the guests said: “Do not be afraid, we are the angels of Allah, we have brought you good news of a son and we have been sent to destroy the people of Lut.”
Ibrahim (AS) said: “Are you going to destroy a people who have Allah’s chosen Prophet like Lut (AS)?” They said: “We know, but the judgment of Allah is that the people of Lut shall surely perish because of their obscenity and indecency, and Lut (AS) and his family shall be safe from this chastisement, except Lut (AS)’s wife. She will be punished for the support of the people and her participation in their misdeeds.”
The angels departed from Ibrahim (AS) and came to Sodom, and were guests at Lut (AS)’s, and here the angels were handsome and in the form of young boys. When Lut (AS) saw them, he was very upset. Knowing what the people would do to them, he was in a dilemma when the people heard about it and they went up to Lut (AS)’s house and demanded that the boys be handed over to them. Lut (AS) explained a lot to them, but they did not agree, so he said in great distress: “I wish I could get the support of a strong support”.
The angels, seeing them disturbed, said, “Do not be afraid. We are not human beings, but angels sent by Allah, and are sent down for their punishment. Get out of here overnight with your family.” So after the message of the angels, Lut (AS) and his family left the city of Sodom, and his wife refused to be with him and stayed behind. When the last watch of the night came, the torment began. At first a loud roar overwhelmed them, then their population was lifted up and thrown to the ground. And then the rain of stones from above obliterated their name, and like the previous nations they too came to an end because of their rebellion.
Allama Mousavi while talking about Hazrat Shoaib (AS) said that Hazrat Shoaib (AS) was sent to Madinah. Madinah is the name of a tribe and the name of the settlement became famous because of that tribe. In fact, one of the sons of Ibrahim (AS) was named Madinah and his descendants are called “Ahl al-Madinah”. He was from the third wife of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) from the womb of Qatura and that is why this family is called “Bani Qatura”. Ibrahim (AS)’s son, Madinah, along with his family, settled in Hijaz near his half-brother, Ishmael (AS). It was located on the east bank of the Red Sea and in the northwestern part of Arabia, in the last part of the Hijaz bordering Syria.
During the journey from Hijaz to Syria, Palestine and Egypt, the ruins of this Madian settlement are visible, while a city called Madinah still exists near the East Jordanian port of Ma’an.
The common purpose of the invitation of all the Prophets sent to the world was to spread the teaching of the proper payment of rights. There are two types of rights, one is the rights of Allah Almighty, ie worshiping Allah and following His instructions, and the other is the rights of worship, which are related to human beings. After the nation of Lut (AS), it was the nation of Shoaib (AS) that was violating both rights in the world.
On the other hand, this nation was violating the rights of worshipers by committing heinous crimes such as improper weighing in trade, looting, robbery, intimidation and corruption on earth. The Holy Qur’an mentions three kinds of defects of the people of Shoaib (AS):
- They were infidels and worshiped trees.
- Dishonesty in business and weighing of merchandise.
- They would sit on the streets and loot, snatch people’s property and collect hooligan tax, but if it is said that the foundation of hooligan tax in the world was laid by the nation of Shoaib (AS), then it would not be unreasonable.
The people of Shoaib (AS) were afflicted with three kinds of defects and Allah Almighty annihilated them with three kinds of torment. The Holy Qur’an mentions three types of torment which befell the people of Shoaib:
- Earthquake
- Thunder
- Clouds of fire
In Surah Al-A’raf, it is said that “they were struck by an earthquake and they lay prostrate in their homes.” In Surah Al-Ankabut, Allah Almighty said: “They were left lying prostrate in their homes.” In Surah Hud, the torment was mentioned through a roar, because these people used to mock and ridicule their Prophet (AS). Allah Almighty sent a cry to this nation through an angel, which broke their hearts.
In the Holy Qur’an, it is said, “And those who were unjust, they were overtaken by a thunderbolt, so they lay prostrate in their homes.” (Surah Hud 94) Surat al-Shu’ara mentions the torment of the cloud, which was the result of their own desire. He said, “You are one of those who are bewitched and you are only a man like us and we think you are a liar.” If you are truthful, then bring down upon us a piece from the sky.”(Surat al-Shu’ara ‘: 187-185) Since they denied, “So the torment of a cloudy day overtook them. That was the torment of a great day.”
Allah Almighty first imposed severe heat on them and kept the wind off them for seven consecutive days, due to which neither water nor shade, could reduce their heat nor the clump of trees came to work, so frightened by this trouble they fled from the town to the forest, where the clouds overshadowed them. Everyone gathered under the shade to escape the heat and the intensity of the sun and breathed a sigh of relief, but then, a few moments later, flames began to fall from the sky. The earth shook with an earthquake and then there was a loud roar from the sky, so He drove out their souls (their hearts broke) and destroyed their bodies and they all fell down on their faces.
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