The US Electoral College Makes Its Decision Official


New York, 15th December: The US Electoral College on Monday officially announced Joe Biden to be the nation’s next president.

Baaghi TV: On Monday, the US electoral College decisively announced Joe Biden as the new US president and Donald Trump’s defeat in the November elections 2020.

The presidential electors gave Biden a solid majority of 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232, the same margin that Trump bragged when he won the White House four years ago.

According to reports, heightened security was in place in some states as electors met to cast paper ballots, with masks, social distancing and other pandemic precautions the order of the day.

The results will be sent to Washington and tallied in a Jan 6 joint session of Congress over which Vice President Mike Pence will preside.

Biden shared on his Twitter handle, “Today, the members of the Electoral College cast their votes for president and vice president. And once again, the rule of law, our Constitution, and the will of the people have prevailed. Our democracy—pushed, tested, and threatened—proved to be resilient, true, and strong.”

After Trump’s unsupported claims of fraud, there was little suspense as every one of the electoral votes allocated to Biden and the president in last month’s elections went officially to each man.

On Election Day, the Democrat topped the incumbent Republican by more than 7 million in the popular vote nationwide.

California’s 55 electoral votes put Biden over the top. Vermont, with 3 votes, was the first state to report. Hawaii, with 4 votes, was the last.

“Once again in America, the rule of law, our Constitution, and the will of the people have prevailed. Our democracy — pushed, tested, threatened — proved to be resilient, true, and strong,” Biden said in an evening speech revealing the number of a record 81 million people who voted for him.

He renewed his campaign promise to be a president for all Americans, whether they voted for him or not, and said the country has hard work ahead on the pandemic and economy.

With no concession from the White House, Donald Trump continues to make unsupported allegations of fraud. Trump’s efforts to undermine the election results also led to concerns about safety for the electors, virtually unheard of in previous years.

Lawmakers from both parties in Michigan reported receiving threats, and legislative offices were closed over threats of violence. Biden won the state by 154,000 votes, or 2.8 percentage points, over Trump.

Former President Bill Clinton and wife and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton were among New York’s 29 electors for Biden and Harris.

Stay tuned to Baaghi TV for all the latest news and updates!


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