Trump openly calls on Ukraine, China to investigate Biden


Washington, Oct 4 (AFP/APP):US President Donald Trump openly called on China as well as Ukraine to investigate his potential 2020 election rival Joe Biden, taunting Democrats seeking his impeachment for inviting foreign election interference.

Speaking in Florida, Trump blasted his accusers as “maniacs” pursuing “impeachment crap” as he sought to turn the tables on a probe that threatens to make him only the third US president ever impeached in the House of Representatives, and face a trial in the Senate.

Adam Schiff, the Democrat leading the impeachment probe in the House of Representatives, said Trump was acting “with impunity” in the face of the law.

“Once again we have a president of the United States suggesting, urging a foreign country to interfere in our presidential elections,” Schiff said.

“It endangers our elections, endangers our national security and ought to be condemned by every member of this body, Democrats and Republicans alike.”

Read More: White House accused of cover-up over Trump-Ukraine call

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