Twitter bans accounts promoting content from Donald Trump

Twitter Trump ban

San Francisco, May 7, 2021: Several user accounts trying to skirt the Twitter ban on former US President Donald Trump, have been suspended by Twitter. According to the social media giant, the plug was pulled on such accounts for promoting blog posts by Trump who earlier this week launched a page on his own website boasting content “straight from the desk of Donald J Trump”. The website page became public just a day ahead of Facebook’s oversight committee deciding to continue the ban on Trump’s account.

The accounts suspended by Twitter use handles with names playing on Trump themes and have sought to amplify posts from Trump’s own website and proliferating content from the former President. According to Twitter, their ban evasion policy states the platform will take action against accounts who have an intention to promote content related to a suspended account. The Trump account was permanently suspended by Twitter earlier this year after the deadly attack on the US Capitol on January 6 expecting him to incite further violence after he disputed President Biden’s victory in the election.

According to experts, a trend in misinformation in US politics has receded, something for which social media titans Facebook and Twitter claim credit. After Trump being banned from mainstream social media and virtually muted, Biden less engaged on the platforms, and no election campaign underway, the entire media ecosystem is different today in America.

Russell Muirhead, a Dartmouth University professor and co-author of “A lot of People are Saying” a book whose title plays on one of Trump’s most popular sayings, says the proliferation of unproven theories has become less common and a daily blizzard of misinformation is now diffused. He says not being bombarded with misinformation 24/7 is helping people to reset and recover from the environment of fear and conspiracy theories.

Being banned from his long-time weapon of choice, the social media where he could fire off comments without explanation or any evidence, the threat from Trump’s misinformation appears neutralized.

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