Two Decades After 9/11 – The Attacks that Changed the World

FBI releases newly declassified record on September 11 attacks

9/11 – September 11, 2001. A date that reverberates on every person’s lips today due to the sheer magnitude of the impact a few moments in time left on the world. Twenty years have passed, yet the memory of the news of the event is clear as day in the minds of those old enough to remember it. 

Delving a bit into the history of the attacks, they occurred on the morning of September 11, 2001, orchestrated by 19 al-Qaeda members wherein they hijacked 4 planes mid-flight heading from the northeastern US to California.

At 8:46 am, the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11, hit its target, the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex. Seventeen minutes later, at 9:03 am, the second plane, United Airlines Flight 175, hit the South Tower. The third plane, American Airlines 77 was hijacked over Ohio and crashed into the west side of the Pentagon at 9:37 am. The fourth and final plane crashed into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 am, failing to get to its target, after the passengers tried to wrest it free from the terrorists’ hands.

The attack resulted in the loss of almost 3000 lives. No matter the grievances al-Qaeda had against the West, taking innocent lives can never be justified. To apprehend the perpetrators and under the banner of fighting a “war on terrorism”, the US entered and settled its forces in Afghanistan, after news of possible collusion between the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

Now, here we stand, 20 years later, at a historic moment in time when the US has withdrawn its soldiers from Afghanistan. However, did those 20 years achieve anything? It’s probably safe to say that no, even after trillions of dollars spent. At the end of it, the Taliban are sitting atop the Afghan throne and Islamist militant groups continue to thrive.

Perhaps a different approach could have been taken, but right now it’s too late to say. The damage has been done, in every possible form, be it social, economic, cultural, or religious – and now we sit looking at its aftermath. This incident changed the course of the entire world, particularly, the Muslim world, and suffice to say, everything looks worse for the wear. Perhaps, it’s time for something new – something that would finally achieve the peace the world has been struggling so much to get.

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