Ukraine-made world’s largest cargo plane destroyed in Russian shelling

Ukraine-made world's largest cargo plane destroyed in Russian shelling

Feb 28, 2022: According to a report by Reuters, the world’s largest cargo plane, the Ukrainian-made Antonov-225 Mriya was burnt in a Russian attack on Hostomel airport near Kyiv, Ukrainian state arms manufacturer Ukroboronprom said on Sunday.

“The Russian occupiers destroyed the flagship of Ukrainian aviation – the legendary An-225 Mriya,” Ukroboronprom announced on its Facebook page.

“It happened at the Antonov airfield in Hostomel near Kyiv,” it added.

It also said that the plane restoration would cost more than $3 billion and take a long time.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba confirmed that the plane had been destroyed.

“Russia may have destroyed our Mriya. But they will never destroy our dream of a strong, free and democratic European country,” Kuleba tweeted.

Ukrainian media also reported that the plane was destroyed in Russian shelling.

The plane had been parked at the Hostomel airfield northwest of the Ukrainian capital, Radio Svoboda (Radio Liberty) reported on Sunday, citing a former and a current employee of the aircraft manufacturer Antonov.

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