UN urged to secure release of ailing Kashmiri leader Farooq Ahmad Dar from Indian captivity


Chairman of the Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR), Altaf Hussain Wani, has called on the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mr. Volker Türek, to help secure the early release of the ailing Kashmiri leader, Farooq Ahmad Dar languishing in Tihar Jail in New Delhi.

In a letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Wani highlighted Dar’s deteriorating health condition, exacerbated by a significant drop in hemoglobin levels in June 2022. Despite repeated requests to jail authorities, including letters dated June 13, 2022, and December 29, 2022, no action has been taken to address his medical needs.

“The jail doctor had advised a thorough medical check-up for Dar, but the jail authorities ignored this advice,” the letter stated. Dar has reportedly been vomiting blood intermittently, further emphasizing the urgency of his need for medical attention.

Wani stressed the critical nature of Dar’s health situation and appealed to the UN Commissioner for urgent intervention. “Dar’s family has been demanding immediate medical help from a reputed institution and his immediate release on serious health grounds,” he said, underscoring the necessity for proper medical tests and treatment in a hospital.

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