US bans the Iranian Defense Ministry, Venezuelan President

US bans the Iranian Defense Ministry, Venezuelan President

The United States (US) has imposed new sanctions on 27 companies and individuals linked to Iran’s nuclear weapons program, including the Iranian Ministry of Defense, following the announcement of a resumption of United Natons (UN) sanctions on Iran.

According to the details, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, along with other officials, including Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin, announced new sanctions on Iran at a press conference. Mike Pompeo also announced sanctions on Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro for developing closer ties with Iran and supporting Iran’s weapons program.

He said sanctions had been imposed on Iran’s Defense Ministry, as well as on two key individuals involved in uranium enrichment in Iran.

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US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said today’s sanctions were mostly related to the Iranian Atomic Energy Agency, including those who helped build Iranian ballistic missiles, while the US Secretary of Commerce said sanctions also imposed on five Iranian scientists has been added to the list.

On the occasion, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper said that they are fully prepared to face any Iranian aggression in the future. US envoy to the United Nations Kelly Craft also called on all UN member states to re-impose sanctions on Iran.

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It may be recalled that the United States had unilaterally reinstated all international sanctions against Iran suspended under the 2015 nuclear deal. Pompeo has unilaterally announced the re-imposition of UN sanctions on Iran, threatening action against countries violating the sanctions.

Under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Iran agreed in July 2015 to a nuclear deal with six world powers, including the European Union, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China. Acts will limit enriched uranium reserves to be used as fuel and for the development of nuclear weapons for 15 years, while gradually reducing the number of centrifuges used for uranium enrichment over a period of 10 years.

In return for accepting all these conditions, economic sanctions imposed on Iran by the United Nations, the United States and the European Union were lifted, but the United States announced its withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran in May 2018 and imposed sanctions.

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