US President order on frozen funds an atrocity, says Karzai

US President order on frozen funds an atrocity, says Karzai

United States (US) President Joe Biden said $3.5 billion in Afghan assets would be set aside to potentially go to 9/11 victims, pending the outcome of court cases. Former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, called a White House order on Sunday to un-freeze $3.5 billion in Afghan assets in the US for families of 9/11 victims an atrocity against the Afghan people.

Former President of Afghanistan, sought the help of Americans, particularly the families of 9/11 victims, to press President Joe Biden to rescind his last week’s order. Karzai called out the order as “unjust and unfair,” saying Afghans have also been victims of Al-Qaida’s  leader Osama bin Laden.

“The people of Afghanistan share the pain of the American people, share the pain of the families and loved ones of those who died, who lost their lives in the tragedy of 11th September,” stated Karzai.

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“We commiserate with them [but] Afghan people are as much victims as those families who lost their lives. Withholding money or seizing money from the people of Afghanistan in their name is unjust and unfair and an atrocity against Afghan people,” he added.

As per Biden’s order, officially signed on last Friday, freed $7.1 billion in Afghan assets currently held in the US, to be divided amongst 9/11 victims and humanitarian aid to Afghans.

It should also be noted that September 11 attack victims and the families of victims have filed legal claims against the Taliban and the $7.1 billion in the US banking system.

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The $3.5 billion was set aside for a US court to decide whether it can be used to settle claims by families of 9/11 victims. Karzai also appealed that we “ask the US courts to do the opposite, to return the Afghan money back to the Afghan people”.

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